Contact Rep. Steve King about Obama’s Eligibility

Call Steve King’s office, today, and tell him that a newspaper ad is not sufficient proof of eligibility for a president of the United States. A thorough, honest and complete congressional investigation of his eligibility needs to be started now, not after the election! It is been four long years, already, and they still have not vetted him for eligibility for the office that he holds.

The president is NOT a king and he should provide complete access to documentation of his eligibility for office.

Click here to E-mail Congressman Steve King, if you live in his district.
Phone: 202.225.4426
Fax: 202.225.3193


Congressman Steve King on Obama’s Eligibility


Tracy” replies to Rep Steve King’s regarding Obama INeligibility

The Real Roots of Obama’s Rage (Dinesh D’Souza 2016)

Dinesh D’Souza is right that Obama is an anti-colonialist as far as that goes. But it does not go very deeply into Obama’s motivations. Maybe that is necessary in order to reach the most people and sell the most books and movie tickets? There is an overall tendency to not dig too deeply into such topics, probably, because much of the public does not want to deal with the real Obama. It would scare the hell out of them and they would not want to look at it. So, maybe it has to be watered down a little to get the masses to pay a little attention.

In any case, if you are able to stand it, here’s the truth. Black Liberation Theology teaches that America is oppressing the rest of the world (non-white races) and must be destroyed to liberate the world. This can be called anti-colonialism, but the goal is not just to liberate the non-white nations, but to destroy America as we have known it along with white society and the traditional church. It would be absurd to assume that Obama does not know what the doctrine of his church is really about.

Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the doctrine of Nation of Islam, a black nationalist cult and it has a related doctrine. This old documentary produced by Mike Wallace in 1959 — before America became pathologically politically correct — explains what Black Nationalism really is. It shows the real roots of Obama’s rage. It is really “hate,” rather than “rage.”

The Real Roots of the Black Liberation Theology of Obama’s Church

Black Liberation Theology was formalized by James H. Cone nearly a decade after this documentary was made, but you can hear many aspects of it described in this documentary. Black Liberation Theology teaches that Jesus is black and is opposed to traditional Christianity. It holds, like other Black-Nationalist doctrines, that traditional Christianity was used as a tool to keep blacks in slavery and that it must be destroyed along with white society and America, as we know it, in order to liberate the non-white races and the world.

These religious ideas, on which Black Liberation Theology is based, have existed in certain segments of the black community in America and the Caribbean for 200 years and longer.

Obama Prototype – Ghanan Dictator Nkrumah Seen as Messiah

Kwame Nkrumah was also hailed as a Messiah, like Obama has been, as the article below shows. Nkrumah was the socialist dictator of Ghana, the first African county to win its independence (from the British) after WWII. He was influenced by American Black Nationalists/pan Africanists, W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey and met with Malcolm X in the 1960’s.

Messiah Nkrumah – Forward!

Messiah Nkrumah and the Church

Kwame Nkrumah: A Case Study of Religion and Politics in Ghana

He started a youth organization, the Young Pioneers, that some compared to the Nazi Hitler Youth. This idea of a black messiah, who is like a God, goes back a long way in the history of Black Nationalism in America as well as in Africa. It didn’t start with Obama. Ghana was one of the countries that Obama honored with a visit on his first trip abroad after his inauguration in 2009. There is an old belief that you need dictatorship in order to liberate blacks from American (Western) white oppression.

Click on the image to obtain a larger view.

Nkrumah – Black Nationalist Messiah

Obama is a ‘Cultural Muslim’

Obama is someone who identifies with Islam, even though he does not practice the religion. Below is the definition of “cultural Muslim” given by the Wiki. The term means someone, who identifies with Islamic culture, but does not practice the religion. Obama had a father from an ethnically Muslim family, which he embraced in preference to his extended Christian family.

Obama in Muslim Dress

Jeremiah Wright declared that the God they worship at Trinity UCC (Yahweh) is the same as Allah. See this link for more info. Obama is also overly effusive in his public praise of Islam. For these reasons, it is correct to call Obama a “cultural Muslim” or “ethnic Muslim,” though he may not practice the religion. If you just put the word “cultural” in front of “Muslim,” it will be difficult to argue with that description. It just means he identifies culturally with Islam and is loyal to Islam. This is a rather obvious truth, indicated by his own public statements and his biographical book. It is not necessary to prove that Obama is secretly a Muslim. He has been quite open about his personal affection for Islam. He makes decisions, which puts Islamist (Muslim Brotherhood) interests above American interests. (see Egypt, Libya and Syria.)

However, that is not all he is and the perverse doctrine of his sect in Chicago also deserves to be examined. His supposedly “Christian” church in Chicago, does not have a traditional Christian doctrine, because it denies the unique divinity of Christ, as does Islam, which sees Christ as a prophet, not uniquely God.

Trinity church has a doctrine which did not require Obama to give up his personal Muslim identity. Black Liberation theology is not exclusionary as traditional Christianity is. Traditional Christians believe that Christianity is the only way to salvation. This is not the case with Black Liberation Theology and it is obvious that Obama has no love for the traditional Christian church.

Black Liberation Theology is an accretionary doctrine, which embraces features of many religions, but holds that traditional Christianity (and America) are the tools of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is equated to white society. It is similar to and was inspired by the doctrine of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, which is also not orthodox Islam, but a black cult doctrine that poses as Islam, just as Trinity church poses as Christianity.

From the Wiki on the term “cultural Muslim”

Cultural Muslims are religiously unobservant, secular or irreligious individuals who still identify with the Muslim culture due to family background, personal experiences, or the social and cultural environment in which they grew up.

The term is a political neologism paralleling the term “cultural Christian”.

Malise Ruthven (2000) discussed the terms “cultural Muslim” and “nominal Muslim” as follows:

There is, however, a secondary meaning to Muslim which may shade into the first. A Muslim is one born to a Muslim father who takes on his or her parents’ confessional identity without necessarily subscribing to the beliefs and practices associated with the faith, just as a Jew may describe him- or herself as Jewish without observing the Halacha. In non-Muslim societies, such Muslims may subscribe to, and be vested with, secular identities. The Muslims of Bosnia, descendants of Slavs who converted to Islam under Ottoman rule, are not always noted for attendance at prayer, abstention from alcohol, seclusion of women and other social practices associated with believing Muslims in other parts of the world. They were officially designated as Muslims by nationality to distinguish them from Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Croats under the former Yugoslav communist regime. The label Muslim indicates their ethnicity and group allegiance, but not necessarily their religious beliefs. In this limited context (which may apply to other Muslim minorities in Europe and Asia), there may be no contradiction between being Muslim and being atheist or agnostic, just as there are Jewish atheists and Jewish agnostics… It should be noted, however, that this secular definition of Muslim (sometimes the terms cultural Muslim or nominal Muslim are used) is very far from being uncontested.

Obama Eligibility – The ‘Dogs’ that did not Bark

Let’s connect the dots on eligibility. In the Sherlock Holmes short story, “Silver Blaze,” by Sir Authur Conan Doyle, the critical clue is that the watch dog did not bark when a race horse is stolen.

Regarding Obama’s eligibility, about 300 Republican dogs are not barking. These dogs are not even making a whimper about it, even though the evidence is being paraded right before their eyes by people like Sheriff Arpaio and attorneys Van Iron and Larry Clayman. Many have been wondering why, absolutely astounded that the Congress refuses to recognize this issue, while Obama has an obviously dodgy birth certificate posted on the White House website, where anyone can verify the problems with it.

In 2008, the Senate had a hearing on the eligibility of John McCain, when the question of his eligibility seemed much less in question. It would have been very embarrassing for the Republicans, if the Democrats had made a big issue of McCain’s eligibility and we know that both parties have desired for years to make an end-run around the Constitution and very much broaden the eligibility requirements for the presidency without bothering with those pesky rules for amending the Constitution.

So, the circumstantial evidence leads one to assume that the congressional Democrats and Republicans made a crooked deal to bypass the Constitutional requirements for eligibility.

If the Democrats would endorse John McCain’s eligibility, the Republicans would ignore any questions about Obama’s eligibility. Both parties will ignore future such eligibility issues for potential candidates, like Republican fair-haired boy, Marco Rubio, and others.