Enrique Morones Stripped Of His Angel Wings

Las Playas is a beach neighborhood of Tijuana, which is on the border and a hot spot for open-borders political activity. This is where Enrique Morones, founder of the Border Angels, had his so-called refugee shelter, called the “Embajada Migrante shelter”. Morones is internationally know and was a frequent guest on national talk shows, such as Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News.

Morones appears to have been fired by the Border Angels last fall for unknown causes after six months of paid leave. To learn more, see this post, Enrique Morones Ousted From ‘Border Angels’.

Enrique and the new management of the Border Angels had a public spat recently about plans o close his shelter on the beach in La Playas.

There was a dramatic mural of the Border Angel wings on the side of the building and a sign with their logo was above the door. This is the way it looked last Fall (of 2019).

In March of 2020, the wall has been repainted and all traces of the Border Angels removed as seen in this second photo.

The new management of Border Angels closed the shelter, saying that it’s not in livable condition. Morones was known for charging those “refugees” and illegal border crossers, who stayed there, daily rent.

In addition the Border Angels has fired the manager of the shelter, Hugo Castro, on February 21, 2020, whom Morones often called his “right-hand man”.

It appears that he used the space mainly for propaganda purposes and for storage and probably charged a couple dollars rent per day to encourage fake refugees and illegal crossers not to move in and, if they did, not to stay too long.

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Founder Denounces ‘Border Angels’ For Not Protecting Illegal Immigrants

Ironically, Enrique Morones, the founder of the Border Angeles has denounced the nonprofit that he founded for not protecting illegal border crossers. The article below was posted by Zeta, a newspaper in Tijuana. The English translation of the article is below the link to the original article in Spanish.

Morones was put on 6 months paid leave in 2019 and was removed from the non-profit in November of that year. It is not publicly known exactly why he was removed from the organization that he founded in 1986 and built into a well-known brand name, but the separation was evidently not on friendly terms.

This current controversy over the “Migrant Embassy” seems to be a fairly transparent attack on the new management of the Border Angels. The Migrant Embassy has never seemed to be a serious shelter, but used more as a prop to make it appear Morones was helping illegal border crossers. Those staying there even had to pay rent.

“Gente Unida” is a defunct organization, founded by Morones about 12-13 years ago that Morones is attempting to resurrect and make active again. Morones is now competing with his former nonprofit for donor funds. So, discrediting the new management of the Border Angles would be helpful for his new nonprofit.

Morones has been a frequent guest on conservative talk shows. To see an interview of him by Tucker Carlson of Fox News, go to this link.

Translation of Zeta Article

Fundador denuncia que “Border Angels” ya no protege a los migrantes

Founder denounces that ‘Border Angels’ now not protecting migrants

The association that historically was dedicated to protecting migrants, Border Angels, has completely changed its mission, some of it’s members charged, among which is its founder Enrique Morones.

When demonstrating this Saturday in Tijuana, activist Hugo Castro, a member of the same organization, said that on February 21, around 9:00 p.m., a woman arrived at the “Migrant Embassy” shelter, located on the Paseo Costero, in Playas de Tijuana, to try to take out the migrants who were staying in said property.

The woman identified herself as “Lorena” and presented a card from the current director of “Border Angels” while asking people to leave the place because they would be taken to another site.

Fortunately in the shelter was Esperanza Lozano, director of “Migrant Embassy”, who did not allow migrants to be evicted, said Hugo Castro; And stressed that these migrants have experienced extreme violence in their countries of origin, are survivors of kidnappings, and have physical conditions.

‘It is not fair that for years the doors have been opened to support the shelters, as a human rights defender I feel somewhat used,’ said Hugo Castro.

The complainant also noted that ‘Border Angels’ received donations of $57K, that was going to be used to improve the facilities of ‘Migrant Embassy’, but the resource has not been delivered.

‘Border Angels’ was founded by activist Enrique Morones, who left the organization last year, and since then a number of changes have been noted. Morones said that what happened on February 21 forced him to come to this border city to denounce the change of mission of the association.

He explained that ‘Border Angels’ is based in San Diego, California. Its board of directors was made up of 11 people, however, many have already resigned. He considered that those who still form the board of the association only seek to earn money.

Enrique Morones also explained that in the last days two migrants drowned trying to cross via the ocean, and three women lost their lives trying to cross the hills, without ‘Border Angels’ denouncing it.

‘That is why I decided to come to Tijuana, I have had health problems, I do not go out so much, but it is very important to raise my voice and say that we demand justice, transparency, honesty and this is something that has not been seen,’ said Morones.

Both Hugo Castro, Enrique Morones and other members of ‘Border Angels’ and ‘Gente Unidos’ said they will continue to defend what is most important: migrants and their human rights.

Response from the Border Angels

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Enrique Morones’ Reconquista Friend in Berlin

Julio Chavezmontes Messner
Mexican ultra nationalist
I came across this article in Spanish by a Mexican reconquista friend of Enrique Morones, the former head of the Border Angels. Morones is supposed to be in Berlin in early November, 2019 for the 30th celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall and to plot with other, like-minded subversives and revolutionaries the fall of our own wall and the downfall of America. Chevazmontez Messner is a Mexican filmmaker writer and attorney. (Correction, he says he is not a filmmaker.) Enrique Morones was forced out of the Border Angels for some reason that is not too clear just a few days before this article was posted.

México y Alemania: Patrias indivisibles

In June of 1987, Morones organized a concert in Tijuana with a group of radical socialist Germans, called “Tear Down This Wall“. The goal appeared to be to incite a cross-border, mass protest large enough to breach the border fence in Tijuana and elsewhere. The Border Patrol took action beforehand and they never gained enough momentum to accomplish their presumed goal.

As we learned during the caravans of 2018-19, very many Tijuanans are not in favor of chaos on the border, either. It turned out just to be a pleasant concert in the Las Playas neighborhood of Tijuana with a few dozen listeners. You can be pretty sure, though, the open-borders Mexicans have been plotting more such “fracasos” on the border in Berlin lately with their German radical socialist pals.

Morones is mentioned in this article, as well as Richard Griswold de Castillo, a radical professor of Chicano Studies at San Diego State University, and other open borders radicals from San Diego. It is just more confirmation of how they think. Below is the English translation of the original article from Spanish.

Mexico and Germany: Indivisible Homelands
by Julio Chavezmontes Messner,
Friday, November 8, 2019

Tomorrow marks thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The idea of ​​building it came from Walter Ulbricht (A Soviet agent who spent World War II in Moscow) and Erick Honecker (who ‘miraculously’ did not execute the Nazis who held him captive until 1945); Two traitors to Germany, who in addition to submitting to the dictates of Joseph Stalin, lent themselves to creating a Soviet colony under the FALSE name of the German Democratic Republic.

Both murdered hundreds of their countrymen and yet neither answered for their crimes against humanity.

The famous wall began to be built after having the meetings between Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, succeeded by Truman who, following the Morgenthau Plan, intended to fragment Germany into three small provinces, in order to denying it any possibility of resuming any industrial activity.

Forty years before the date we are now commemorating, the ‘German Democratic Republic’ was invented, with the intention of carrying out the fragmentation of Germany and the separation of its people under contrary and irreconcilable regimes.

There has never been such a thing as ‘two Germanies.’

Germany has always been a single homeland for all Germans.

The homelands do not arise or disappear by decree of the victors.

After 30 years, the extinct wall is only the memory of an immense injustice that ultimately could not defeat the invincible will of a people capable of resisting any adversity, and rebuilding from its ruins.

Very few know today, that after officially ending World War II, more than three million German civilians died as victims of genocide when they were forcibly displaced from the eastern German provinces.

The general public also does not know that hundreds of thousands of German soldiers died of hunger and cold in the Allied concentration camps, known as the ‘Eisenhower camps’, despite being in theory, under the ‘protection’ of the Convention of Geneva.

In spite of all this, Germany today does not seem to have lost a war but, on the contrary, is the pillar that sustains Europe, and its economy occupies the fourth place in the world.

Similarly, there are no two Mexicos as a result of the territorial robbery committed against us by the expansionists and slave-smuggling gringos who believed they could prevail over the immemorial rights of our people.

In our case, the racist and corrupt Donald Trump, if he wants, can build a branch of the Chinese Wall on the banks of the Rio Grande, but not with that, can he divide or separate the only Mexico that exists.

The more than 40 million Mexicans who today live under the jurisdiction of the United States are an irreversible factor.

It is enough to point out that more than six million Mexicans live in Chicago; that there are important Mexican communities on the shores of Lake Minetonka and on the banks of the Hudson River in New York, where we have displaced Puerto Ricans as the first minority.

We are not only indispensable, but invincible and unstoppable.

Our people have continued to migrate northward, by means of “El Rio de los Regresos” (The River of the Returnees), guided by Cuauhtecui, the eagle of our ancestors who returns and points the way to the reconquest of our territories stolen by the United States.

As I write these lines in the small town of Stahringen, in southwestern Germany, the words of Senator Thomas Corwin of the State of Ohio, spoken before the United States Congress on September 11, 1847, return to me:

“You can steal those territories from Mexico; You could seize them by force; you can retain them by exercising the right of the strongest, but a peace treaty for that purpose, freely signed by the Mexican people, you will never have. ”

For some years now, I have had the privilege of knowing and being engaged with our compatriots, who lead and champion the exercise of our rights north of El Río; such as Enrique Morones who, as head of the “Border Angels,” accompanies the migrant brothers who venture through the desert on their way to the north with water and all kinds of help.

I have met and I am honored in the friendship of Juan M. Solíz and Nellie Cotton, who runs the NGO “Mexico defende lo tuyo” (Mexico defends what is yours) which I have the honor to represent before German human rights organizations.

I have had the honor of speaking with Professor Richard Griswold del Castillo author of the book “Guadalupe Hidalgo, a Legacy of Conflict”, whose information was more than valuable to me to write “El Rio de Regresos” (The River of the Returnees).

Just as California, New Mexico and Texas continue to be the territory of Mexico today under international law, East Prussia, Silesia and Breslau, continue to be part of Germany, as well as Austria whose name (Österreich) means Reich of the East, that is to say: True East Germany.

Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, 2019, MEXICAN artist Adrián Luz will star in Berlin, an event that brings together Mexico and Germany under the auspices of “One Day We Will Dance” and the Benhadj & Djilali Museum.

Enrique Morones will carry the voice of Mexico; an indomitable voice that demonstrates that the imposition of walls only serve to echo their messages of JUSTICE.

The wall that will be “demolished” is an artistic work of Adrián Luz.

This artistic day in the heart of Germany, joining in brotherhood with Mexico in the rejection of all the walls of inhumanity, demonstrates once again that Germany and Mexico: Mexico and Germany are unique homelands; INDIVISIBLE PATRIAS. __________________________________

Dedicated to Mexicans who, while writing these lines, continue to cross invincible and unstoppable towards our ancestral lands. The whole country, or nothing!

Julio Chavezmontes Messner,

Enrique Morones Ousted From ‘Border Angels’

Enrique Morones, Founder of “Border Angels”
The Times of San Diego first reported that Enrique Morones has been removed from the non-profit that he founded, called the “Border Angels”. This came after about six months of paid leave. Morones has been building the brand “Border Angels” for more than three decades. He is internationally known and has appeared frequently on Fox News and other national outlets. It seems highly unlikely he would have given up his brand of more than 30 years and left his pet project voluntarily.

It is not thought that he willingly left the Border Angels. He has not really retired, but is now trying to resurrect another nonprofit that he founded in 2005, called “Gente Unida“. Gente Unida has been inactive in recent years. Morones is trying to restart it from scratch. Gente Unida is the nonprofit that Morones claims he used in 2005 to “expose” and “shutdown” the Minutemen in California.

It appears more likely that he was forced out of Border Angels, because no reason is given and his departure does not appear to have been on friendly terms. That has provoked speculation that his unexplained departure may be due to a serious conflict with the board of the non-profit, a severe clash over direction of the nonprofit or perhaps some kind of embarrassing personal impropriety. At some point, maybe the truth will emerge?

Morones has apparently had some kind of association with major cartel drug smugglers. In 2017, Morones sponsored a cross border wedding for a drug cartel smuggler. His underling, Hugo Castro, was kidnapped in April of 2017 by “organized criminals” when he was in Southern Mexico apparently to pick up a group of fraudulent refugees and illegal border crossers for smuggling to the US border. These scandals may have been an embarrassment that helped motivate the Board of the Border Angels to remove Morones from the nonprofit, Hugo Castro also left and continued to work for Morones for a while, before moving on.

Update: The San Diego Union Tribune reported that Morones was fired from Border Angels due to sexual harassment complaints against him brought by two young female employees.

Our major local media outlets have mysteriously remained quiet about this affair, though a couple of them reported a few weeks ago that he had been quietly put on paid leave. One would think that professional journalists would be interested in a follow-up story about the fate of this international news figure, but apparently not. They have not reported that he has now been completely removed from the non-profit organization or why he was removed. His separation from the nonprofit was only reported by the relatively minor “Times of San Diego”, but they did not give the reason.

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