“Sex Rebel Black” by Frank Marshall Davis

You can view the pornographic book, Sex Rebel Black by Frank Marshall Davis at this link. This book gives you a clue to the kind of ethics that Obama learned from Davis. It is a scanned, image file and may take a few seconds to open, depending on the speed of your connection. Many will be offended by this book, but it is just being made available so you can check what people say about it, not for your reading pleasure.

Download link – Sex Rebel Black by Frank Marshall Davis

Many think that Davis, a Communist propagandist and union organizer is the real father of Barack Obama as proposed in the video, “Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert. (See trailer below.)

The description of a 13-year-old girl named “Anne” starts on page 71, which some claim refers to Ann Dunham, Obama’s Mother. Actually, the description does not sound like her, except for the very common first name. Ann Dunham moved to Hawaii in 1960 with her family, when she was 17 or 18 years old.

In this semi-autobiographical book, Frank Marshall Davis describes himself as a bisexual, libertine and a child-molester. Davis was a mentor to Obama in his teen-aged years and was given visitation rights to Obama, about three times a week. Also, see this odd poem, entitled “Pop” that Obama wrote about his father, or that Davis wrote for him and gave to him.

Trailer “Dreams from My Real Father” by Joel Gilbert

“Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” is available here from Amazon as well as from other retailers.

Or, if you do not want to wait for mail delivery, you can stream it from Amazon instantly here.


Barack Obama’s Strange Poem to his ‘Pop’

Sex Rebel Black

19 thoughts on ““Sex Rebel Black” by Frank Marshall Davis”

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