Ralph Nader’s America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!

Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!

What if Washington politics were no longer defined by partisan gridlock but instead by a cross-party alliance that forged solutions? The alliance would be unstoppable.

That’s the premise of the new book “Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State” by longtime political activist and five-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who contends that such a left-right alliance is not just the stuff of imagination but is actually emerging.

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President Obama: Alleged Donald Sterling remarks ‘incredibly offensive’

President Obama: Alleged Donald Sterling remarks 'incredibly offensive'

It is extremely hypocritical for Obama to brand others as “racist,” when he un-apologetically attended a church with a racist, anti-American and anti-Christian doctrine for 20 years. Black Liberation Theology equates white society to the Antichrist and teaches that the black race are the “Chosen” people. Jeremiah Wright did not just teach hate in one sermon, but in every sermon. It was just more obvious in some sermons than in others. But Obama understood that Black Liberation Theology is based on racist concepts. Obama just blamed it all on Jeremiah Wright, not accepting responsibility for his own decision to be a member of that cult-like church of hate.

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Tancredo at OKC rally: Impeach Obama and Holder

Tancredo at OKC rally: Impeach Obama and Holder

Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo says that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama should be impeached.

Tancredo said impeachment would avoid setting a precedent for the next “dictator in chief,” according to comments reported by Red Dirt Report, an Oklahoma news website.

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Holder cancels appearance in OKC amid angry protests

Holder cancels appearance in OKC amid angry protests

Holder cancels a speech in Oklahoma due to a few protesters. Some claimed Hillary also canceled a visit to San Diego, due to a planned small protest. In the next few weeks we will have two opportunities to protest Obama up close and personal in San Diego and Los Angeles. See the right side bar for details.

Click here for details on Holder cancellation of speech in Oklahoma

Rep Blake Farenthold of Texas told Holder that he should be in jail, not testifying before Congress. These folks are criminals (Holder, Obama and Clinton) and they are becoming paranoid about We the People rising up against them. Come out for these protests and help make their worst fears become reality.