Facebook Validates Nazi Swastika Symbols at Chicano Park

A group of masked patriots stand in front of a swastika symbol on a mural in Chicano Park. A photo of it is deleted by Facebook as a “hate symbol”. This just validates our own criticism of this mural as being a display of hate by the radical Chicanos, themselves. Unbeknownst to many, the Chicano political movement was greatly influenced by a Mexican Nazi collaborator, Jose Vasconcelos, who first formulated the La Raza racial supremacy theory.

Chicanos claim that the swastikas that are found all around the park in San Diego are just indigenous symbols. They often use ambiguous symbolism with dual interpretations to disguise their subversive, anti-American message.

This is the “Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl” mural at Chicano Park with five Border Town Patriots posing in front of it. The mural features a huge, rounded, reverse swastika. There are other, smaller such swastikas scattered around the park.

Border Town Patriots in front of “Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl” mural

“So, we went into Chicano park yesterday to witness the May Day rally. We took a picture next to one of the murals, the one on the southeast corner, the one with the swastika and war bird. Posted it to Bordertown Patriots page and it got flagged, we took the swastika out of the image and the word Chicano and still got flagged.” – Border Town Patriots

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When five anglos are placed in front of this Chicano mural it automatically becomes a message of “hate” to some people. In truth, it is a Chicano message of hate before the white people were standing in front of it.

Image of Quetzalcoatl from an
original Spanish Codex
Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, is the messiah god of the Aztecs. He is in the same mural but just outside the photo taken, a dragon-like figure in this mural. He is prophesied by Chicanos to return as a human and bring on a new utopian age, in this context, a new age for Aztlan. That is, Aztlan will be liberated from American society.

This not unlike the prophecies of a new messiah that were made before Hitler came onto the scene in Germany to bring on a new millennium, a thousand year reich. Not to say, it’s going to be exactly the same, Nazi-ism was unique in history in its brutality, at least so far, but racial identity doctrines have similar features and the Chicano political movement has its own racial identity doctrine called “La Raza”. The militant Chicanos have borrowed quite a lot from Nazi ideology and symbolism.

The Nazis were obsessed with lost territory and so are the Chicanos. The Nazis wanted to regain the territory in the east, lost in World War I. The Chicanos want to takeover “Aztlan,” which they identify as the Southwestern United States, to which they lost their claim in the Mexican-American war. Chicanos teach that the Park is the first park of Aztlan to be occupied.

The Nazis looked back at the Vikings in much the same way that Chicanos look back to the Aztecs, as the pagan source of their artificial, fabricated “culture”.

The Nazis demonized the Jews in a similar way as fanatical Chicanos demonize Anglo society.

The La Raza racial identity doctrine was developed and popularized by Jose Vasconcelos. Vasconcelos was called the father of the Mexican mural movement and the father of the indigenous movement. Vasconcelos’ fingerprints are all over Chicano Park, because it is about La Raza, subversive art in the style of Mexican murals and an obsession with being the heirs of the Aztecs and the other indigenous peoples of the Americas. This gives them in their minds a claim on “Aztlan” and actually the rest of the Americas.

Jose Vasconcelos was also the most important Nazi propagandist in Mexico during World War II. Due to the similarities of the La Raza ideology to Nazi racial ideology and the connection via Vasconcelos to Nazism, the Chicano swastikas can be interpreted in a similar way to the Nazi swastika. That is, it represents the coming Chicano Messiah and the new race (La Raza). Vasconcelos prophesied La Raza would be forged by the melding of the indigenous people of the Americas with the Spanish/Hispanic people and culture of Europe.

Hitler standardized the Nazi swastika in the form that is recognizable today to most people, but the Nazis continued to use many different shapes and styles of the swastika, including a curved swastika similar to the Chicano Park swastika. For example, the most well known was used as the symbol of the Wiking (Viking) Waffen-SS division. The Chicano symbol is the same style, just reversed.

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Below is Chicano graffiti at the Chicano Park site a year before the takeover by Chicano fanatics. It is taken from a San Diego historical Facebook page, Vintage San Diego. Note the historically-standard Nazi swastikas next to the “Chicano Power” slogan. The Chicano Park artists just used a modified version of the Nazi swastika, in order to allow them to deny the parallels to Nazism in the subversive ultra nationalist message that they display in the murals at Chicano Park.

Chicano Nazi Graffiti at site of Chicano Park, before Chicano Park existed.

Here, a local Chicano, Lucky Morales, explains his understanding of “La Raza” mestizo racial doctrine.

See more at:

The Nazi Roots of Chicano-ism

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